So, just what was the point of the fed's task force - a task force said to be dominated by airline industry and airport representatives - in offering stranded passengers aid when said aid offering
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We found a great new product/service for those of us that have to take bikes (and/or other sports gear) on airplanes and fear (1) the rising cost - $300 round trip on some airlines now
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Delta, said to be the worlds largest airlines, announced that effective immediately, for traffic on or after Dec. 5, customers flying domestically will be charged $15 for the first checked bag and $25 for the
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It is that time of year... I can smell it and feel it with fall upon us. It is NYC Marathon time. Despite the fact that marathon is not my forte and not what I
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Okay.. here we go... I bought a ticket in July and based my purchase on who allowed the best rate to carry a bike to Rome. I could have selected anyone from United to Delta
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Given the fact I am about to jet off to Italy for the Duathlon World Championships, I find myself doing my yearly Googling on the latest trends and research in jet lag and how to
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Simply put... but still as exasperating.. United doubledsize> its fee for a second checked bag to a whopping $50 on Monday for travel starting Nov 10th.Why? Well, they cite "volatile fuel prices" of course (see
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So, as we all know, the big explanation by airlines for all of the endless fees this year have been the catch all, to cover rising fuel costs using a "fuel surcharge". Well, fuel and
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Thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. Finally, some good news amidst all of the endless bad news coming out of the airline travel industry. It took Congress (the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee) to get
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A fairly compelling radio interview with duathlete Kevin Gillotti, our founder, conducted by Bob (of Competitor Magazine) & Paul (of from their local SoCal Sunday night The Competitors Radio Show. Hope you find it
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