As they said in a recent MSNBC article, "How many previously free services can they force flyers to pay for without risking a revolt?" - I think that sums it up and is exactly what
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The most often asked question I get, from all over the world...
In a nutshell, I think it comes down to 3 main reasons as to why there are very few actual airport gyms in
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It seems the good old USA is considering a congressional proposal - yes, congress is spending manpower bickering about this - to charge a $10 fee to some visitors of the United States that come
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The low fair airline known for cheap flights, minimal amenities, no extra bag fees, and an A, B, C ranked boarding method based on when you checked in for the flight, has instituted a new
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As provided by MSNBC.comClick here to view some GREATLY humorous airline cartoons!There are some real winners that will make you LOL.
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Admittedly, other than blogs, I am not a huge fan of the social networking phenomenon: Twitter, Facebook, Digg, MySpace, blah blah blah. BUT, most other people are. Now, some are taking it to the next
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There have been several reports in the past of crazy long waits and delays on the tarmac. Well, we have another. You would think airlines would avoid this like the plague given the bad exposure
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Besides cycling, David Zabriskie and I have something else in common. Though I am no where near the cyclist he is, we both have in common the misfortune of having been hit by a car.
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I have had nightmares of this happening to my bike while traveling to races. But well done Dave!! I love to see this kind of stuff. Hitting the man - United Airlines in this case
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If you MUST travel with your dog, and he/she is to big to fit into the cabin with you, one flight having to crate your dog in a plane's cargo hold - just like your
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