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Sure enough.. if you read down in our post about United starting to charge for a second checked bag, we mention that that move would just open the flood gates. As a matter of fact,
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In a follow up to a post we had at the end of January concerning a Passenger Bill of Rights for flying... it took a bit of a hit today in NY. The New York
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In leu of having access to an airport gym or fitness center near your airport, it might be nice to know just which US airports are 'most' hip to the Internet craze and offer internet
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I got to talking about this with some buddies last night over sushi - they travel for business a lot more than I do, but were out for a mini sort of triathlon training camp
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Yep, you read it correct... it finally happened.... according to a story on MSNBC, United Airlines (my main airline it so happens) new policy to charge fliers for a 2nd checked bag takes effect on
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A few recent stories on the web point the some instances where the Airline Passengers Bill of Rights might be gaining traction & legitimacy at the State level as well as the Federal level. See
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A story on MSNBC reports on a new federal policy concerning Landing Fees that will allow said fees to be charged to the airport based on time of day and traffic volume. Previous fees have
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It appears more and more Americans are making the move to book their travel online. In my case, I book 100% of my travel online, and have for the last 4-5 years actually. I do
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