Thursday Oct. 25, 2007 @ 9:01 pm By

There was a funny story on recently about the airport with the worst designator code…. a code that really SUX.

As all of your athletic minded travelers know, all airports have a designator code. We use them on to cross reference the airports with airport gyms and fitness centers, the airlines use them on your tickets & luggage to identify your stops, and ALL travel & airline websites selling tickers use that designator code when entering in your To and From when searching for tickets.

Well, it seems a town in Iowa has been wanting to ditch their designator for sometime. Why? Because it SUXs (sorry couldn’t resist). That’s right, Sioux City Iowa’s Sioux Gateway Airport’s (yep, they have an ‘international’ airport in Sioux City Iowa it seems) designator code is SUX. It appears that in both 1988 and 2002 they petitioned to have it changed.. and were even given the option of GAY; which they turned down it appears.

Anyway… maybe this means that one day we will be able to provide some airport gyms listings for SUX.. assuming people workout there.

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